If you have read my profile you know I worked in retail for a long time. I started in Big Steel back in Winnipeg in the late ’70’s.
Here’s a funny story.
A very well known rock band came into the store looking for outfits they could wear at a big concert they were doing. They found one piece jumpsuits that they all agreed would work for them. We had them in stock but they had to be altered. Most of them were just pant leg hems, but one guy needed the suit let out a tad at the top of the legs.
So I asked him to go into the dressing room and went and got the seamstress. I explained that he would need it let out in the legs so she would have to cut them open and measure and pin to fit.
I stood outside the fitting room as she started to work. Very shortly after that I heard a scream and she came running out.
She looked horrified.
I asked her what was wrong. As she stood shaking she said that the man in the dressing room had no underwear on and… to try and pin the pant legs she would have to ‘move’ some things. The woman, of course, was clearly uncomfortable and I told her she didn’t have to do it but it was a very big coo for the store.
After talking to her for a great length of time she went back into the dressing room and did the work.
I she think was traumatized for life. The ‘commando’ band member wasn’t fazed a bit. The Winnipeg rock band went away happy.
So the moral of the story is, if you are going to get fitted, whether a rock band or not, make sure you are wearing underwear.
Speaking of underwear I have some Dandy for you and I hope you won’t go commando and spare the seamstress 🙂