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The Skier Controlled Tow Boat – An Ultimate Gift
The ultimate fun present. The whole family would love this!
Skier Controlled Tow Boat
This is the unmanned water skiing boat that’s controlled entirely by the skier. A six-button control panel on the tow rope handle sends signals to the boat, allowing skiers to start, accelerate, decelerate, turn, or stop the vessel with slight thumb movements.
The nearly 8′-long boat has a three-cylinder, two-stroke 70 horsepower engine with jet pump and axial flow propulsion, generating speeds up to 40 MPH and creating wakes for jumps and other tricks.
The jet propulsion engine is safer than propeller-powered crafts and provides superior acceleration and quicker planing–the time required to bring the skier and vessel level with the water surface.
The tri-hull boat is made from durable fiberglass and molded plastic and it has a bilge pump that automatically removes water from the vessel.
The boat has a six-gallon gas tank and it automatically stops when the skier lets go of the handle. Includes a 40′-long tow rope.
For use in water that’s at least 6′ deep, the boat is also ideal for slalom skiing, knee boarding, wake boarding, or tubing. What fun!
Check out the Skier Controlled Tow Boat.
Imagine having this in the summer. You don’t have to wait around for someone to tow you around, you do it yourself. How great would that be 🙂
Help-I Need a Gift For Someone Who Has Everything
As the Beatle’s sang “Help, I need somebody, Help, I need anybody, Help!
I hear your pain…
If you have read my bio, you know that I started this site because I spent so much time myself searching the internet to find unique gifts for those special people in my life who had everything, or were hard to buy for. Really they are the same… I’m sure you know what I mean. The gift has to be unique, at the very least. Or depending on the person the gift has to be unusual. But then again the person you are buying for may fall into the conventional category, which makes it even harder to find a unique traditional gift. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it could be. What’s most important is it must be something they will enjoy getting and be memorable (in positive way).
So here are a few additions I have added to the site lately that I hope will help you.
For Women:
Is she a fashionista, or wants to wear the latest trends? Try this page. Fabulous Fashion
For Men:
Is he a guy’s guy? Try this page. The Male Room
For Everyone:
Do they love unique clothes, jewelry, furnishings? Try these pages.
Of course there can be crossovers on all the pages.
I am very excited to show you these new pages. Yah, they are not ‘chock full’ yet. Takes me time to search these all out for you!
Hammacher Schlemmer – The Bladeless Fan
The bladeless fan is no longer available, so I found another great fan.
The Best Tower Fan
The Best Tower Fan’s three independently controlled fans generated 500 ft./min. air speed that moved the highest volume of air and distributed it most evenly across the room. It produced only 57.7 dB on its lowest setting, so it won’t drown out conversation or television programs.
The fan has a remote control, three speeds, it oscillates 90º for optimal air circulation, it has a 71/2-hour timer that can be set in 30-minute increments, and its 13″-diameter footprint ensures it won’t protrude into living spaces. Unlike other models, it assembles easily without tools.
Check out the Best Tower Fan
Warmer weather is just around the corner, wouldn’t this fan be a great to give or receive!
Let’s Talk About Adventure Gifts To Give Someone Who Has Everything
I love adventure. I love to explore different places, ride a Harley up to Whistler, travel to different countries, mountain climb, take a cruise, bike ride and enjoy wine country, explore Spain, hot air balloon ride, heli-skiing.
Oh, that’s in my dreams 🙂
Life experience gifts are wonderful to give someone who has everything. or someone who is hard to buy for. Whether it’s a ticket to the best concert, or greatest sports event, a trip to an exotic location, cycle through a beautiful countryside, tour Paris, drive exotic cars, and so much more that your someone who is hard to buy for will always remember. Some of these are once in a lifetime life experience, and some are luxurious pampering gifts few of us get to experience, but all are truly what memories are made of and will last a lifetime, and they will love you for giving them this.
So let’s look at just a few wonderful adventure and life experience gifts you can give:
* For Him, how about a ticket to a football game, basketball game, NHL hockey golf, or motor sports.
Check it out here.
* For Her, how about Spa treatments and packages, a couples package for your romantic getaway or salon spas, holistic spas and more.
Check it out here.
* An Adventure Gift for someone who has everything and doesn’t need anything – we have that too. Travel, events, and so much more.
Check out ultimate experiences here.
So many life experience and adventure gifts to showcase. These are great for a birthday, anniversary or wedding, or just because you care.
Do You Feel You Need A Crystal Ball To Help You Find A Unique Gift
Many of the folks that message me tell me that they are at a loss when it comes to finding a unique gift for their special someone because when they ask them what they want for a gift they say things like this:
– Guys will shrug and say ‘I dunno’
– Moms who are famous for ‘don’t worry about getting me anything sweetie, I’ve got everything I need’.
It’s almost like you need a psychic, or a crystal ball, to get into their head. Without one, as much as you look, you just can’t find, or decide, on a gift that they will like.
Well it just so happens I have a crystal ball (so to speak , so I decided to dust it off and give you a ‘reading’ to help you find that perfect gift.
1. First think what about what the person you are buying for likes. Yes I know that is probably always your starting point, but stay with me on this.
He likes — sports, electronics, beer, boots, gourmet food
She likes — jewelry, clothing, shoes, wine, chocolate
2. Once you have a list of what the person would like as a gift then narrow it down to the top one or two gifts.
He likes — golf, electronic games
She likes — gold jewelry, shoes
3. Now that you have the top two list you have to think a bit outside of the box. I do this when I am picking out personally picked gifts on our site.
So for him, with golf and electronic games in mind you could pick out this (for example)
So for her, with gold and shoes in mind you could pick out this (for example)
Get the idea? It’s just a matter of taking one or two of her/his top likes and finding it as a gift. When you do that it makes it a bit more unique.
As Doug & The Slugs Sang – Makin’ It Work!
We have been working really hard to update our entire For Someone Who Has Everything. So much to tell you.
First, we checked the site on to make it more mobile friendly.
We also recently installed a new web browser Blisk that has a built in device emulator so we see what our site looks like on different devices.
It has other geeky developer tools too…Well I get excited about stuff like that! Maybe not as much as finding great gifts for you but anything that helps me build a better site I get excited about too.
Doing Great – You can view us on any device!
While we’ve been working on adding new pages, we have also added many unique gifts on current pages we have. For example, home goodies that anyone on your list would love.
Wine gifts that even I would love to receive.
Jewelry pieces, for both men and women, that would thrill them.
And so many more.
So as the song says… making it work takes a little longer, making it work, takes a bit of time…
It’s still a bit of a construction zone. No hard hat required but please watch you don’t step on any nails!
Check our updated site Here!
Give A Gift That Last Longer Than A Lifetime – Dedicate A Star To Someone Special
Sorry, this is no longer available. I will put one up when I find a new source.
The Three Wheel Recumbent Cruiser
I’ve seen people riding this type of bicycle. It sort of startles you at first, especially when they pull up beside you when you are in your car. Looks like fun!
The Only Reverse Gear Cruiser
This is the only single-speed, three-wheeled cruiser with a reverse gear for easy backwards movement. Unlike other vehicles that require a wide turn or dismounting to reverse direction, this one has an easy-to-use gear shift that once engaged, requires only pedaling backwards.
The cruiser has a dual-joystick steering mechanism that is responsive and exhilarating to use, providing smooth maneuverability.
This cruiser’s propulsion system requires minimal maintenance because it uses a front flywheel mechanism connected directly to the pedals; there’s no chain to come loose or to smear grease on pant legs.
The sturdy steel frame can be extended or contracted easily and is suitable for riders from 4′ to 6′ 3″.
With a seat height of just 12″, this cruiser maintains a low center of gravity, making it especially stable and safe for younger and older riders. (The included safety-orange flag rises 4′ 8″ above ground level.)
Caliper handbrakes provide smooth, controlled stopping and slowing for even little hands.
Supports up to 250 lbs.
Check out the Only Reverse Gear Cruiser
Virtual Reality Is Big And They Will Love These
It doesn’t seem that long ago that wearing red/blue cardboard 3D glasses was the only way to experience 3d.
I can remember sitting in a movie theater with everyone in these glasses. No body cared what they looked liked because they were too involved in the experience.
Now you can immerse yourself in games, videos, movies and so much more with various types of headsets in the comfort of your own home, or in the great outdoors.
Here’s a couple I found that look great.
The Virtual Reality Headset
This headset couples with a smartphone to create immersive 360° experiences when watching videos or playing games. A 4-6″-long smartphone fits into the front of the headset, aligning one’s eyes with the device’s screen while the headset secures around the head using an elastic band with hook-and-loop fasteners.
An app (compatible with Android and iOS) uses a smartphone’s accelerometer to provide the user with an interactive virtual adventure full of 3D environments that move when the smartphone moves.
In addition to viewing 3D movie trailers, one can assume the persona of a Great White Shark (or other species) and roam underwater with 360º movement for prey and buried treasure, take a virtual tour of Los Angeles‘ Santa Monica Pier to play a sampling of interactive games, or take part in an underground hovercraft race that requires tilting and panning the viewer/smartphone to steer.
Its built-in headphones connect to the device via an included cable to provide synchronized sound that enhances the virtual reality experience.
Pretty cool huh!
Check it out Here!
And for the kids, this looks like so much fun!
The Avengers Virtual Reality Battle.
This is the head-mounted blaster game that challenges children to battle Ultron. Arming an aspiring S.H.I.E.L.D. agent with a powerful blaster, the player selects from three levels of difficulty and joins the Avengers to defeat their villainous foe.
The headset fits securely around a child’s head with two adjustable straps, and projects three alternating images (two of Ultron, one of Iron Man) on the inside of the goggles.
Young superheroes aim the blaster at Ultron and pull the trigger to score a point, but lose a point if they accidently hit Iron Man in friendly fire.
The blaster provides realistic Avengers sound effects and displays a score tally on the digital counter as the agent brings Ultron closer to his bitter end.
The kid in everyone would love this!
Check it out Here!
Virtual reality is big and would make a great present!